Friday, October 19, 2007

Strange day

My days are rarely boring, but today was especially interesting. Here's what happened:

A man drove by the house on a lawnmower like something out of a Vince Gill song. (Yes, I know most of you have never heard the song or even of Vince, but I'm sure you'll agree it's strange anyway.)

Joe Torre gave his final press conference as the Yankees manager. Wrong in so many ways.

Twenty or so people (teenagers I'm sure) completely covered in shaving cream ran by the children and I as we were standing in front of the stables in the park. Hands down the oddest thing I've seen in a long time.

Riahna said a prayer before dinner. Yes, many people pray before eating, but not us. Apparently her teacher taught her the prayer. I'll be speaking to her and the head of the preschool on Monday. I'm accepting of other people's beliefs and customs as long as they are not forced upon my children in what is supposed to be a secular school. Then I'm angry.

I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First son watched Buzz Lightyear at school today. Talk about angry!