Sunday, December 14, 2008

Things I've learned

You can’t control whether or not somebody will love you. Either they will or they won’t, and both are okay.

I don’t want to fast forward through the bad times; I would never learn anything about myself and grow as a person.

Having happiness as your goal in life isn’t silly; being happy gives you strength to do everything else you need to do.

Manipulating people can make you feel smart and powerful, but eventually it makes you feel stupid and small.

Withholding forgiveness really does only hurt you.

Believing you know everything just makes you ignore ideas and advice that could really help you.

There is a perfect song for every situation and emotion. Music can get you through anything.

If you get an idea in your head and believe it to be absolute truth, sometimes you close yourself off to reality. Convincing yourself something is true doesn’t mean it is.

Avoiding things usually makes them harder.

Thinking about something can be a powerful tool, an unhealthy obsession, or a complete waste of time depending on what the something is.

If you walk by something on the floor fifty times and are annoyed that it’s there every time, maybe you should just pick it up and put it where it goes.