Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A question of respect

I have been told that I should have some respect for George Bush because he is my President. Well, I don't. And I refuse to consider him MY President anyway, seeing as I certainly didn't vote for him and can't understand why anyone did. TWICE!!! I will refrain from listing his deficiencies and simply point out that he shows little respect for the Constitution, the will of the American people, or anyone who believes that changing one's mind doesn't make one weak. In his press conference today, he trashed Congress, refused to answer most of the questions, and attempted to inspire trust by saying "This isn't my first rodeo." It's a wonder that this country has lost respect in the eyes of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing better than respect is fear. Fear motivates far more effectivly (intially that is). Respect however is a long-lasting motivator.