Friday, October 12, 2007

My problem with Hillary

I can't seem to get on board with Hillary for President. It's not that she's not capable and certainly not that she's a woman, and it would be great to have Bill Clinton back in the White House, but there's something about her I just don't like. Yes, it's partially superficial. She's just not likable. Everyone says that she's better in person, and I did like her when I met her at the White House in 1996. If she does become our fearless leader, I'll have to convince Sam to give me the picture that we took with her. But I digress. I've been bothered by something every time I watch a debate, and I finally figured out what it is: She quite often refuses to answer the moderator's question. The reason she gives is that she refuses to deal in hypotheticals, and that's a total copout. But it's also really hypocritical, because when she does feel like answering, she invariably begins with "When I am President..." Did I miss something? Does a 30-point lead in national primary polls now translate into a guaranteed win the general election? If her chosen stand is going to be avoiding hypotheticals, perhaps she should be a little more consistent.

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