Friday, May 16, 2008


It's evil. Insidious. And in my case, quite internally generated. Until recently that is. My long vacation from real life allowed me to analyze my stress level and how it related to my happiness level and also my ability to effectively interact with the people around me. I've been on high alert for any sign that I'm beginning to either create unneccessary stress for myself or allow legitimate stress to take over my life and personality ever since. So far it has been working extremely well. Nothing has really changed except the way that I choose to react to situations and problems. Mind over can be done! Now I live much more in the moment and enjoy much more of my time with my children. The house is messier, a bill almost got paid late last week, and my schedule got thrown completely off by a three-hour nap today, but the truly important things are much improved. If I can keep this up, my head will have gone from a stressed-out to a stress-reduced zone; stress-free being far too ambitious. ;-)

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