Sunday, July 20, 2008

Talking in code

Lots of times there's something on my mind that I really don't feel like talking about or can't quite figure out how to phrase, but there's still the urge to let somebody know that there's something going on. That somebody is usually DeWayne because he's really good at not asking questions. He will only ever ask why I'm bringing it up if I don't feel like talking, then tell me how silly I am and let me babble generalities. One of the things I love most about him. Other people would try to push me to say more or attempt to give advice. I don't want advice. I want to figure things out for myself and then talk about everything in the past tense. It's easier that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

here is some code for I need pants
I have hole in my work pants. HA Ha HA lol.