Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's been a while

I've been neglecting this blog. In my defense, I've been without my computer for the last 2.5 weeks, but even before that the posts were few and far between. Note to self: find more interesting things to say more often. For now I'll just say that my trip to NY reminded me what it feels like to be stress-free. It's wonderful and uplifting and downright empowering. My goal now is to find ways to hold onto that feeling and not allow stress to creep back in, because doing that will keep me (and those who happen to live with me) happier and more focused on what truly matters. The trip also reinforced how important friends and family are. I saw so many people who I know and love and miss very much, and the conversations we shared were stimulating and special to me, regardless of length or topic. Just to have that time together...the crossing of paths as we all tumble around the universe.

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