Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Countdown to caucuses

Residents of Iowa are so lucky. The presidential candidates wander around there for months, talking to people on the streets and hanging out in the local cafes. What a wonderful opportunity for voters to actually get to know them. Then, instead of just walking into a booth and flipping a switch, Iowans proudly declare their choice at the caucus. I still don't have a complete understanding of how caucuses work, but I'm fascinated by the whole process, especially on the Democratic side. If voters in all elections had the opportunity to switch their vote if their candidate received less than 15% of the vote, President George W. Bush would have been only a bad dream, and Ralph Nader wouldn't be so villified. Someday I'm moving to Iowa so that I too can be important in the democratic process. I'll just have to figure out where it is first.


Anonymous said...

I am not moving to iowa it is too cold there. just my expressing my democratic right to vote on not moving to iowa. haha

Anonymous said...

john was second yeahhhh